© 2024 American Psychological Association
Author Lastname, First initials. (Year).Title of Canvas post, discussion board, or learning management system resource [Discussion board post, Canvas post, Class PowerPoint, Class PDF, etc.]. Source - University that sponsors class. Main URL of University Learning System.
To cite resources from an online class management system, discussion board posts, main class postings, PowerPoint slides, or PDFs that have been shared on the class website follow these guidelines. In the title you will need to add [square brackets] stating what the resource is. In the Source information, instead of a publisher, you list the University that sponsors the course. Finally in the website area, instead of adding the exact website of the post (which requires a log in from your university to view), you add the learning management system main log in page from your University, for example at John Patrick University: https://jpu.instructure.com/
Roberts, P. M. (n.d.). How to say nothing in 500 words. [Class PDF]. John Patrick University. https://jpu.instructure.com/
Murphy, B. D. (2024) Introduction to immobilization. [PowerPoint slides]. John Patrick University. https://jpu.instructure.com/