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APA Style Guide: Newspaper

Newspaper Article

Online with DOI

Author Lastname, First initials. (Year, Month day). Article Title. Newspaper Name.  Digital Object Identifier

Osborne, M. H. (1994, April 5). Nirvana's Cobain commits suicide. The Seattle Times. doi:10.1038/022-9010.76.1.143

Online without DOI (when DOI is not available)

Author Lastname, First Initials. (Year, Month Day). Article Title. Newspaper Name. Retreived from URL

Osborne, M. H. (1994, April 5). Nirvana's Cobain commits suicide. The Seattle Times. Retrieved from

In Print

Author Lastname, Firstname. (Year, Month, day). Article Title. Newspaper Name. (pp. #)

Gritz, S. (1991, January 20). Gulf War bombing broadcasted live on TV. The Chicago Tribune, pp. A3, A5.