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APA Style Guide: Block Quote

Block Quote

Block quotes are used for direct quotations that are longer than 40 words. They should be offset from the main text and do not include quotation marks. Introduce the block quote on a new line. Indent the entire quote ½ inch or 5-7 spaces; the block quote may be single-spaced.

Include the page number at the end of your block quote outside of the ending period. Also include the author's last name, date of publication, and page number(s)/paragraph number.

Use p. for a single page number (Example: p. 15) and pp. for multiple page numbers (Example: pp. 125-126). If citing an online source without page numbers, cite the paragraph number (Example: para. 4).   

When citing multiple authors after a quotation the ampersand symbol '&' is used instead of the word 'and'.


Block Quote Author at Beginning

Pagination follows the year of publication after a colon (note that in the in-text citation, there is no space between the colon and the page number).

As tabulated by Kuhn (1970:71) the results show...

Lyoob, Rossetti, and Chen (2013) noted:

Many software providers take advantage of these developing technologies to provide new cloud computing services or transform their existing products into the cloud. Since the term cloud could refer to any infrastructure, platform or software that serves for cloud computing, every component in the cloud may be provided as a service. (p. 34)

Block Quote Author at End

Cyber threats are not the only challenge to cloud computing:

While security has been a major topic of interest, reliability is a much bigger concern. Cloud computing is based on Internet access, so a fast and constant Internet connection is critical to cloud computing solutions. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure the enterprise’s connectivity to the Internet is well-established and that there are backup connections in case of connectivity failure. (Iyoob, Rossetti, & Chen, 2013, pp. 35-36) 


**Note: In the above in-text citation, one of the authors’ last names is not capitalized. As a general rule, APA requires proper nouns to be capitalized. With author names, however, your goal is to write the name as the author him- or herself has presented it in scholarly work. Thus, if the name starts with a lowercase letter in the source you are citing, as is the case above with the name ‘lyoob,’ keep it lowercase. The exceptions to this are if the name 1) begins a sentence or 2) is the first word after a colon when what follows the colon is an independent clause.