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APA Style Guide: Video/Movie/TV

Video / Movies / TV


Include names of producers and directors and use parentheses to identify their contribution, year, title, format, country of origin, and studio.

Producer Lastname, First Initials (Producer), & Director Lastname, First Initials (Director). (Date of publication). Title of Video/Movie [Motion picture]. Country of origin: Studio or distributor.

Tate, G. (Producer), & Rocco, S. (Director). (2005). Girl across the water [DVD]. United States: Universal Studios.


Episode from a Television or Radio Series

Format as you would a book chapter citation but list the script writer and director in the author(s) position and the producer in the editor(s) position.

Writer Lastname, First Initials(Writer) Director Lastname, First Initials (Director). (Year). Episode Name. In Executive Producer First Initial. Lastname (Executive Porducer), Program Title. City of Production: Studio.

Sankar, N. & Goldfinger, S. (Writers) & Mathis, C. (Director). (2011). The three bad wolves. [Television series episode]. In N. Barba (Executive producer), Grimm. New York, NY: National Broadcasting Company (NBC).